Quote of the Day!

Life is for learning? Learning what? You name it. There’s a lot to learn.


Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardour and attended to with diligence.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Flowers that Last

A flower that lasts for two to four weeks, even inside in the winter, has got to be popular. The amaryllis, a bulb that produces large, attractive, trump like flowers, is deserving of its reputation for being the easiest to grow of all the bulbs that bloom indoors.

If you visit Holland during the Christmas holidays, you’ll find the amaryllis standing in for the poinsettia as the Christmas flower. The indoor color and ease of growing make it a favorite.

It’s possible to have flowers last two to four weeks, and some growers have even planted multiple bulbs in order to enjoy consecutive flowers. The plants will produce three to five blooms on two stalks, one to two feet tall. The second stalk shoots up just as the first stalk’s flowers fade.

Unusual varieties are available, including miniatures like Scarlet Baby, with small flowers. Miniatures are especially suited for small sitting areas or anywhere space is limited.

Visit your local garden center and you’ll find amaryllis pre-potted or in planting kits. If you choose to purchase the bare-root bulb, follow these instructions: Before planting, place bulb and dangling roots in lukewarm water for several hours. Then place in a pot at least an inch wider than the bulb, leaving room for watering. Allow about a third to half of the top of the bulb to show.

Water sparingly until part of the stem and bud have developed. Water more liberally through the blooming stage, keeping the soil moist.

Amaryllis like a bright, warm room, about 70 degrees. Direct sunlight and a warmer room speed flowering. A cooler room will prolong the blooms.

If you enjoy flowers, keep the bulb growing outdoors, in the shade. Follow instructions for moving back indoors, and with luck, you’ll have blooms again in 4-12 weeks.

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